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December 31, 2020 2 min read

Have you set your list of goals for 2021?

Every time I try to write out my goals, the list will go on and on. There is SOO much I want to achieve in such a short amount of time. Of course I want to be healthier and be more productive, (isn't that the goal each year)? I believe that if I am healthier other aspects of my life will improve and ultimately and I will be happier, feel better, and get S*** done!

In order to improve physical, emotion and mental health, it takes completing small tasks everyday. Those small tasks add up by the end of the year and you will see dramatic changes in yourself. 

I cut my list to just 21 small daily goals for 2021

21 New Years Resolutions & Goals:

  1. Declutter your house 
  2. Cook more meals at home
  3. Drink less alcohol
  4. Do one active thing a day
  5. Cut back on cups of coffee per day
  6. Make your bed every morning
  7. Get up five minutes earlier each day
  8. Go to bed five minutes earlier each night
  9. Don't automatically go on your phone as soon as you wake up in the morning
  10. Stretch during commercials when you're watching TV
  11. Take your vitamins
  12. Instead of watching TV on your free time, do something productive
  13. Go through your clothes, get rid of things you don't use or wear
  14. Call instead of text
  15. Listen to inspiring podcasts
  16. Make time for loved ones
  17. Cut out fast food
  18. Balance work life & social life
  19. Spend money on experiences instead of things
  20. Always always always be kind
  21. Be yourself, embrace yourself, & be happy 

Micro changes to your daily routine can make a big difference in the long run. Where will you be at the end of 2021 if you add some of these to your routine?

Hope this list of mine gave you a little inspiration 

Happy New Year! 

Xo Stasia